As an institution providing the valuable human resource to industry, we at VSCMS constantly innovate and live up to the dynamism of global business which are technology intensive and consumer oriented.
Each institution providing professional education is different and needs to take a different approach to achieving change, whether radical or incremental in nature to meet the needs of the Industry. However, there are some common drivers for change. Dr. Virendra Swarup College of Management Studies focuses on creating more experience-led learning experiences for students in order to execute match making of skills and careers. Faculty particularly those with experience of industry, make essential contributions to experience-led components within the curriculum. Our students are geared up for a larger playing field across the globe. The program has extensive electives in the specialized areas of Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Retail Management, Information Technology, International Business and allied areas of management.
To be a truly world class institution of academic excellence with total commitment and dedication to quality education, research, consultancy services, training, ethics and human values with a holistic concern for society and environment.